Language Bible Camp
Teenagers 2012
For ages 13 - 18 year olds
szeretettel várunk az angol tinédzser táborba legyen
bár teljesen kezdõ vagy profi az angol nyelvben. Lesz
bibliatanulmányozás, angolórák, DVD-nézés,
sport, zene, játékok, kézmûves foglalkozás,
kirándulás és kiscsoportos megbeszélések.
Tehát érdemes hozzánk és anyanyelvû
segítõinkhez csatlakozni. Idén azt fogjuk tanulmányozni,
hogyan állnak össze a bibliai történetek olyan
egésszé, amibõl megértjük Isten nagy
tervét. Mindezt angolul, de magyar fordítással.
Ebben a közegben nemcsak nyelvtudásod fog javulni, hanem
Jézust is jobban megismerheted valamint új barátokat
és életre szóló élményeket
is of cause the year of the London Olympics which many are eagerly
awaiting. An event which isn’t so eagerly awaited is the end
of the world, which some say is 2012. So are we living in the 'end
times'? During Awesome Camp we will be looking at what the Bible has
to say on the subject of ‘end times’. We will look through
the different sections of the Bible as we seek to find out how the
Bible all fits together to show us God's big plan.

Team Leaders
We are pleased that yet again in 2012 Awesome Camp
will be led by a more than capable team of leaders. The outstanding
international team are made up of Hungarians plus Neil, from Wales,
Lyns from Ireland, Heather from the USA, Mane is our regular German
representative and this year for the first time we have the lovely
Sara also from Wales. Each leader is a Christian who has a passion
for working with teenagers. So you can be reassured that there will
be the right mix of fun, games, English and of course a spiritual
depth to the whole camp.
Awesome Camp is an English language but it really doesn’t matter
what level of English ability you have to attend the camp. From fluent
expert to complete beginner all are welcome. All activities will be
translated into Hungarian and all Bible talks with also be translated.
What we really want to focus on is creating the friendly environment
were all have the conversance to practice spoken English with mother
tongue speakers. We know that there is a huge leap between learning
the language in the classroom and actual speaking it in everyday use.
So with this in mind our whole camp is an English lesson but we will
be setting aside time for a more formal English lessons throughout the
week. These lessons will be led by our mother tongue speakers and we
hope by the end of the week that not only will your English ability
be improved but also that our international team might have learnt just
a little of the warmth of the Hungarian language.
will be no getting away from the fact that this summer is London Olympics.
This without question is the biggest sporting event in the world.
Although it will grab all the news attention it isn't the only sporting
event the British are organising this summer. This summer exclusive
to Awesome Camp there is also the he Awe-lympic Games. It may not
be as big as the London 2012 games but we will guarantee you that
it is the most fun filled sporting games to be held this summer. So
come along and experience the best alternative sporting event this
summer. Events will include the three legged race, the relay race,
egg and spoon race, sack race, welly wanging and much more! Are you
ready for it?